Hello there, first of all thanks for purchasing Shrimpy.
This is a comprehensive and also easy to use help file that let’s you setup and use Shrimpy WordPress theme. Shrimpy is designed really user friendly and if you have been a WordPress user before, you won’t need to read this help file completely and it’s enough to look at the main titles and read what you need.
Our themes usually get regular updates including bugfixes and improvements. So, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Envato.
Some Important Notes:
- Please take the time to read through the documentation, as many support related questions can be answered simply by re-reading these instructions.
- We will be happy to help you tweak the theme but just for small ones. For more advanced customizations, contact us for paid customizations.
- If you have any support questions, please register on our support forum. If you want to remain anonymous, use our profile page to send email. So we can confirm you’ve purchased this theme.
- Again, Thanks for purchasing our themes. Please don’t forget to give us 5- stars if you enjoyed using our themes.
You need to extract the .zip file which you’ve downloaded from Themeforest server. It contains a couple of folders such as Help,.. and the main theme folder. The theme folder’s name is “ht-shrimpy“. You can upload it directly to your host via ftp in /wp-content/themes. Then you can simply activate Shrimpy as you would activate every other WordPress theme at Appearance -> Themes.
Also you can use “ht-shrimpy.zip” file in WordPress theme uploader section in order to install the theme via WordPress directly.

Just after activating the theme you will be redirected to the theme options page where you should save the default settings. As you see, a notification message is shown which guides you to install Slider Revolution, and Contact form 7 plugins. These plugins are embedded inside the theme. You need to follow the notification message and make sure the plugins are activated.

Click on Begin installing plugins to start installing the required plugins. Please activate the plugins after the installation and you’ll be done.
You should see the plugin in your menu

Shrimpy is mainly a one page theme, so the Front Page is where all your page sectins will be displayed. It will be your home page. To setup the front page, go to pages > add new and create a page without any content inside it. You can give it a title of “Frontpage”. Choose “Front Page Template” from the template drop-down list under “page attributes” content box

Now click “Publish” and go to Settings > Reading, assign the newly created “Frontpage” as static front page.

Setting Up The Blog
You need to do the same proccess for blog. Create a page, give it a title for example Blog.
Now Publish it and go to Settings> Reading > and assign it as Posts Page.

Now we’re going to create the front page sections. In order to create the front page sections, navigate to Pages > Add New. Fill the page title with your desired title. Now scroll down to find “Highthemes Page Options“.

As you see, there are a few options you need to know how to work with. The first one is “Page or Section“. This option allows you to choose whether you’re creating a page section (shown on front page) or a separete page which will be opened as a new page ( it won’t be included in front page). Here we’re going to create page section so make sure you’ve chosen “Section”.
The next option allows you to disable the section from the menu navigation. It is used for those sections that you want to have on front page but not in the menu.
The another important option here is “Page Section Type“. There’re a few pre-defined section types including: General (default), Full Width Section, Blog Posts, Foods,Section with Background, Google Map section..
- General: Used for typical contents. You can put your content there, use the shortcodes to make your desired section.
- Full Width Section: It’s general section with full width container
- Blog Posts: Used to show blog posts on homepage.
- Foods: used to show your chosen foods from your menu.
- Sections With Background: You can upload a background image, background color and set it as you like for this section type.
- Google Map: Used to show your restaurant address on google map.
1- Creating General Section
Navigate to “Highthemes – Page Options”. To create a general page section, choose “Section” for “Page or Section” and “General” for “Section Type”. This section type is used for general sections. You can insert your content in this section, use shortcodes, …etc.
As you see, there are a few options. You enter subtitle, choose icon for each section, set a background color, etc.

2- Creating General Section ( Full Width )
This section is the same as General section but its container width is set to full width.
3- Creating Blog Posts Section
This section will show your blog posts on homepage.

You can choose the number of items to show and the blog category can be selected for each blog section.
4- Creating Foods (gallery) Section
After creating your food items ( which will be used for menu, food gallery, and food section ), you can display them as a page section in front page. The settings should be like below.

You can choose the number of items to show and the foods category can be selected for each food section.
5- Create Sections With Background
This section supports background image. To create it, use the following settings

5- Creating Google Map Section
You can specify multiple points (addresses) by entering longtitudes/latitudes as shown on the following image.

6- Creating a Separate Page
All you need is to select “Separate Page” as shown below.

The theme uses Revolution slider which is included by default. You just need to install it as explained in previous sections. It’s so straightforward.

Import demo slider
We have included the demo slider in the package. You can navigate to Slider Revolution > Import Slider and select it from the download package. Also, you can import any of premade sliders by revslider makers which are included in the package too.
Setting up the slider
After creating a slider or importing a ready one, you should go to Appearance > theme options > Slider-Header

Shrimpy comes with a lot of shortcodes with a visual interface. There’s an icon on visual text editor of WordPress which you need to click on in order to open the shortcode manager.

By selecting each shortcode from the lisrt of shortcode and pressing the “Insert Shortcode” button, the shortcode with default values will be inserted into the content area.
Shrimpy uses a custom post type for food items. You can add your food items by navigating to Food > Add New

Managing Food Categories
You can easily manage food categories just as like as you do it for your posts. Go to food -> Categories on WordPress admin dashboard:

Creating a new food Item
After navigating to food > Add New, you need to fill the title and the content of the item. Then, as we shown below, Upload the main thumbnail of the item. Now Upload More images for the item which will be shown in the food item page as a slideshow.

In this section we will take a look at the general settings of the theme. There is no need to explain each section because each section comes with a clear description.

Sidebar setup
Navigate WordPress admin dashboard and then go to Appearance -> Theme Options then go to Styling Options tab.

To install demo data,
1. First make sure you have activated the theme
2. Install Revolution slider & Contact form 7 plugins
3. Navigate to Tools > Import. Click on WordPress from the given list. If you haven’t installed the WordPress Importer plugin, a window will be shown directing you to install it. Now you will be redirected to page where you can choose the demo data file. Choose it from the downloaded package under Demo XML and click “Upload File and Import”. If you’ve check “download and import file attachments”, it will take a few minutes to import the data.
4. Go to settings > reading and set “frontpage” as static front page & “Blog” as posts page
5. Go to appearance > menus > and assign Menu1 to primary navigation of Shrimpy
Shrimpy’s main CSS file is style.css which is located at the root folder of the theme (/wp-content/themes/ht-Shrimpy/).
You can also find more CSS files in styles folder which is located in:
Our CSS file is organized like below:
*/ /* 0. CSS Reset /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 1. General Structure & Global Classes /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
The theme comes with a lot of Javascript features. jQuery is the core library of all scripts. If you need to customize any of effects, go to /wp-content/themes/ht-Shrimpy/scripts/ and open custom.js.