Notifications for WooCommerce is a social proofing extension that helps establish your business in the minds of prospective buyers as being more credible and trustworthy. By providing online shoppers with information about the quality and sales of your products, you can boost the percentage of website visitors who purchase from you.
With Notifications for WooCommerce, you can get quick notifications whenever a consumer interacts with your website. The activation of these notifications triggers in reaction to activities carried out on your website, such as the purchase of a product.
Customers can receive notifications that include their username, country, city, and purchase time. You can automatically update your website with the most recent information and user actions with the Notifications for WooCommerce add-on every second.
Notifications for WooCommerce Features
– Show live sales pop-ups and alerts of website activities.
– Choose a dark or light theme for your live notifications.
– Choose visibility duration and interval time between notifications.
– Ability to change the notification template and use variables like username, time, and country.
– Set notifications to include buyer data like username, city, and purchase time.
– Personalize notifications.
– Show real-time data with a second-by-second refresh rate.