WooCommerce Customer Documents Verification on Order extension makes it easy for you to verify documents from your customers before order processing.
It provides you an easy way to manage a dashboard that allows you to deal with user documents. You can also automate certain events and plugin settings that include sending a rejection reason, emails, and messages that work with WooCommerce.
The admin and user will receive an email when the document is uploaded; furthermore, the user will receive an email once its ‘documents’ are approved or rejected. Popular file types that can be uploaded as data to be verified are DOC, DOCX, PDF, XLS, XLSX, JPEG, PNG, MP3, WMV, MOV, and many more.
- Admin can manage documents on a singular dashboard. The dashboard will display a list of documents along with ‘approved’ or ‘rejected’ checks.
- Admin has the authority to approve or reject any document before order processing.
- Admin can manage ‘Rejection Reasons’ and has the option to display multiple reasons for rejection.
- Email Settings section contains SIX email templates for different purposes (Documents Approval Email, Documents Admin Email, Documents Submit Email, Checkout Email, Reminder Email, Rejection Email)
- Admin can customize each email template in an HTML layout-like editor.